
ThegoalofGooglePublicAlertsandCrisisMapistomakeiteasiertofindspecificinformationduringemergencieswhenpeoplearealreadyusingGoogle ...,2021年2月17日—,thetoolprovidesa“collectionofnationalandregional-scalelayersrelatedtoweather,hazards,and ...,Partneringwiththoseonthefrontlinestodeveloptechnologyandprogramsthathelpkeeppeoplesafe,informed,andoutofharm'sway.,Floodfore...

Public Alerts and Crisis Map for Natural Disasters Now ...

The goal of Google Public Alerts and Crisis Map is to make it easier to find specific information during emergencies when people are already using Google ...

Google shutting down standalone Crisis Map website

2021年2月17日 — Available at, the tool provides a “collection of national and regional-scale layers related to weather, hazards, and ...

Google Crisis Response

Partnering with those on the front lines to develop technology and programs that help keep people safe, informed, and out of harm's way.

Forecasting and alerts

Flood forecasting alert. Interactive maps. People can quickly access an interactive map where they can see their location relative to the predicted flood.

Google Crisis Map

This site and data are now obsolete. Please see the latest data at: / Results from time-series analysis of ...

Global Forest Change | Google Crisis Map

This site and data are now obsolete. Please see the latest data at: / Results from time-series analysis of ...

google crisis map

免費App 完成災區訊號評估任務! 狂風豪雨過後,倒下的不只是行道樹,可能還包括你正在使用的無線網 ...


If there's an active crisis in your current map view, you may find an alert with updates and safety information about the event.

Disaster Map

2023年9月28日 — Map of disaster alerts from GDACS.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
